Friday 21 May 2010

Paris Commune

May 21 is the date associated with the beginning of the end for the Paris Commune. I don't want to get all political on you but I would have thought this subject would be ideal for an epic movie or miniseries. I'd watch it anyway. The whole siege of Paris and subsequent aftermath is a tale that is almost hard to believe these days.

Thursday 20 May 2010

Solferino 1859

Scenes depicting the battle in the 1948 film D'homme a Hommes (1948) presumably about the founding of the Red Cross. This is a pretty good depiction of a battle of that era I reckon, and I hope you watch it all the way through. Wish it was in colour though.

Chasseurs des Alpes

This unit from Garibaldi's corps looks a glamorous unit from the Risorgimento. I can't pretend to know much about this war but this image of an attack on an Austrian train gets my attention right away.

Imperial Guard Zouaves 1859

From this page where there is much more stuff on the campaign of 1859 in Italy.

il Quartier generale dei Piemontesi in Crimea

Battaglia della Cernaia

By the artist below Geralamo Induno

Gerolamo Induno: Bersagliere in Crimea 1855

Description here
This site, from where this pic comes from is actually a very useful resource for finding out about the evolution of the Italian army in the 19th century.

Garibaldist sentinel

Girolamo Induno

King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery

This is the only horse-drawn artillery I know of in the UK - pretty hard to compete with this lot anyway. Stuff is World War One vintage. I think for the centennial of the Great War they should wear khaki but are they gonna listen to me?

Austrian gun and limber

You don't see guns pulled by horses much which is why it's good to see this recreation of a limber for the 1900 era of Austria's past. Read about it here
More here

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Baker Company 1866 range

Another company that also produces 28mm figures for the period is this one. Looks good.

Austro-Prussian wargames

Mentioned Helion books on the period - they also produce a range of figures for the campaign - see them here.
Also downloadable painting guides.

Lefaucheux revolver

French 1854 pistol that saw service in the ACW - article here

Custozza 1866

Third War of Independence wiki 1866

So the Italians were also involved in the events of 1866. 2nd battle of Custonzza wiki
Wars of German Unification article

Battle between Bavarians and Prussians 1866

I really don't know much about this period. Didn't know about this series of battles. It seems as if it comes under the category Deutschen Krieg, Battles of this war here.

Saxon troops 1862-7

I noticed some green coated reenactors in the photos below which I assume to be Saxon infantry. The Saxons fought on the Austrian side in 1866 though I can't tell you any more than that. Here's some pics by Knotel - not sure if the Shako was worn in combat. Anyone know anything about the Saxons? Also see image here

Chlum 1866

I'm sorry if I am boring you but this gallery of pics from the Austro-Prussian war reenactment scene by Bimov.m is excellent and really sells this picturesque period well. I recommend you watch em all.

Photos of Austro-Hungarians 1866

Well next in my search for all things Austrian for 1866 was to find some photographs as that's what makes this period so interesting - the extra dimension of actual photographs. So I stumbled on this site - dedicated to the battle of Trutnov - English lang. here it has some excellent photos and also photos of equipment in the galerie section. Take your time and browse the site - there's some good stuff there.

Reenacting the Austrians of 1866

Been looking on the net for groups recreating the Austro-Hungarians of the period and found this Czech group.
It seems that most of the groups reenacting the Austro-Prussian war also do other periods such as WW1 and so forth.

The History of K.U.K.Infantry Regiment Graf Khevenhuller-Metsch Nr.35 During the Campaign of 1866 (Paperback)

Just noticed this English language book for a reasonable price on Amazon - published by Helion who do many books for the period.

Infantry Regiment Graf Khevenhuller was an Austrian unit which participated in the battles of Munchengratz, Jicin and Koniggratz. This volume describes a day-by-day account of its efforts, including details of casualty lists, and recipients of bravery awards.

From the Publisher

Synopsis of "History of KuK I.R. Nr.35..."
This book marks the start of a new series of translated regimental histories, focusing on the campaigns of the 19th century. As a genre of military history, regimental accounts are valuable, for they frequently describe incidents and detail which escape the more general accounts of campaigns and battles. Austria and the German states, Prussia included, had a great tradition of producing detailed, valuable regimentals, and Helion & Company plan to offer translations of a number of these in the future. Infantry Regiment Graf Khevenhüller was an Austrian unit, recruited in the Pilsen area. Its regimental history was published in that town in 1901, and since then has become incredibly rare. May’s book describes in detail the regiment’s mobilisation, and participation in the battles of Münchengrätz, Jicin and Königgrätz. A brief description of the regiment’s 4th and 5th battalion follows. Three detailed appendices cover the regiment’s casualty lists, officer casualties and recipients of bravery awards. The text is supplemented by additional notes from the translator. May’s book offers the interested reader an excellent opportunity to acquire a rare text illuminated by gems of detail. We learn, for example, that the vast majority of the regiment’s casualties at the Battle of Münchengrätz were due to heat stroke, and that during the Battle of Jicin Corporal Süss was credited with shooting a mounted Prussian officer - an action for which he later received the Silver Bravery Medal II Class.

Lorenz rifle

Been thinking about the Austro-Prussian war and how feasable it would be to recreate Austrian infantry of the period. So first of all - the firearm. This is the rifle used during the period 1854-66...looks very similar to the American Civil War muskets or is that just me?

Heroes of Shipka (1955)

Scene from this movie depicting the Russo-Turkish war.

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Brass bands of the Civil War

1914 Belgians

Of course a place where the Franc-Tireur threat had the Germans very jittery was in Belgium in 1914 when according to popular history any random shots resulted in reprisals against the civilian population.

So that's the link to Belgian forces - that and the fact that they look like Austrians. Fraxinus on his Victory V blog has been collecting a 28mm 1914 army - have a look at the posts here
Below image is of Belgian Carabiniers.

Monday 17 May 2010

Soldiers of 1870-1

We've had this before without doubt but you might have missed this excellent slideshow of photos from the time.

les Cuirassiers de Reichshoffen 1871

Time for a sing-song.Here's the lyrics
1er couplet :
« Ils reculaient, nos soldats invincibles
A Reichshoffen la mort fauchait leurs rangs.
Nos ennemis, dans les bois, invisibles,
Comme des loups poursuivaient ces géants.
Depuis le jour disputant la bataille,
France ! ils portaient ton drapeau glorieux.
Ils sont tombés, vaincus par la mitraille
Et non par ceux qui tremblaient devant eux. »

Refrain :
« Voyez là-bas, comme un éclair dacier,
Ces escadrons passer dans la fumée,
Ils vont mourir et, pour sauver larmée,
Donner le sang du dernier cuirassier,
Donner le sang du dernier cuirassier ».

2ème couplet :
« On leur a dit : il faut sauver la France,
Cest de vous seul que dépend lavenir.
De Waterloo, gardez la souvenance ;
Ainsi qualors, il faut vaincre ou mourir.
Le vent du soir, soulevant leurs crinières
Et secouant leurs cuirasses dairain,
Fit tressaillir, au fond de leurs tanières,
Ces Allemands qui se serraient en vain ».

Au refrain. 3ème et dernier couplet :
« Par quatre fois, torrent irrésistible,
Ce flot humain troua les rangs pressés
Des Allemands que cet élan terrible
Sur les blés verts couchait comme les blés.
Ils sont passés ! mais après la bataille,
Quand on chercha ces régiments de fer,
Les corbeaux noirs déjà faisaient déjà ripaille
De sang fumant et de lambeaux de chair ! »

Dernier refrain :
« Ils sont là-bas , ces régiments dacier
Quon vit jadis, à travers la fumée,
Pour essayer de sauver notre armée,
Donner le sang du dernier cuirassier,
Donner le sang du dernier cuirassier ».

Sunday 16 May 2010

The Young Franc-Tireurs

Download this novel by G A Henty here.

The decisive battle of Sedan 1870

We mgiht have had this before but what the hell, it's good. French language.


Been looking on the Franco-Prussian war blog at Franc-Tireur pics. Why? Well I am thinking Franc-tireurs would make an excellent F-P war reenactment unit. Ideal for woodland skirmishes, anyway. I don't suppose the German reenactors would be happy with that but as a persona that would allow for a certain personal input it could be fun.
You can download this 1901 book for free
Souvenirs d'un franc-tireur en 1870-1871: simple contribution à l'histoire des corps francs pendant la guerre franco-allemande
On the Miniatures Page there is a topic Franc-tireurs in the F-P war from where I got this image from.

More Austro-Prussian war images

The excellent Franco-Prussian war blog is a surprising place to find some great 1866 pics by Knotel and so on.

World War One Belgians

1/72 manufacturer Hat have give us a first look at their 1914 Belgians here. Well done to them. 1914 in this scale just got better.